英雄连2阿登突击游戏秘籍一览及使用CCM作弊方法介绍, 在《英雄连2:阿登突击》游戏中,玩家发现了作弊方法。这里有一个关于CCM作弊的教程,有兴趣的可以试试。用法与第一代类似,但需要通过命令行激活!希望你喜欢!
2.进入游戏后,按Ctr Shift键打开控制台(如果有三个问号?你可以使用字符吗?替换字符~,即按Ctr Shft?)
第二步:将relic H2快捷方式保存到桌面,然后打开桌面的relic H2快捷方式属性,并在RelicCoH2.exe后添加一个space -dev -nomovies。请记住复制空间,否则名称将不会更改。
3.输入或复制并粘贴以下命令:do file(‘CCM/CCM . scar‘)并按Enter键,然后按同一快捷键关闭控制台。
Control Shift F1: This Help Page Help Page
Control Shift F2: the squad generates a hotkey to open the list of troops that can be brushed.
Control Shift F3: entity generates hotkeys to open the list of paintable buildings.
Control F1: Turn on/off the fog of war fog switch.
Control F2: Turn the taskbar visibility on/off to switch whether the interface is visible.
Control F3: infinite resources, infinite resources
Control F4: Open/Close Instant Production Open/Close Instant Production Unit
Control F5: Turn on/off instant charging function Turn on/off instant use skills
Control F6: Open/Close Instant Building Open/Close Instant Building
Control F7: Turn global artificial intelligence on/off.
Control F8: Take over the selected player and take over the selected unit camp.
Control F12: Clear the screen cleaning screen prompt information from the prompt message.
Control Insertion: Toggle the owner of the selected squad/entity Toggle the owner of the selected unit/building.
Control Shift Space: Switch Help Pages Switch Help Pages
Control deletion: delete the selected squad/entity (building/building) and delete the selected troops/building.
Delete: Kill the selected troops/entities (buildings/buildings) and destroy the selected troops/buildings.
Control Alt 1: switch the seed table between predefined and original, and switch the first-level page and the second-level page of the refresh list.
Control number: game speed *0.125 game speed * 0.125 times.
Control number 1: game speed *0.25 game speed * 0.25 times.
Control number 2: game speed *0.5 game speed * 0.5 times.
Control number 3: game speed *0.75 game speed * 0.75 times.
Control number 4: game speed *1 game speed * 1 times.
Control number 5: game speed *1.25 game speed * 1.25 times.
Control number 6: game speed *1.5 game speed * 1.5 times.
Control number 7: game speed *2 game speed * 2 times.
Control number 8: game speed *4 game speed * 4 times.
Control number 8: game speed *8 game speed * 8 times.